Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Cup Runneth Over

6 Months
Oldie but Goodie
I have a new found appreciation for this blog. I have asked myself on a few occasions, Why I bother? Why do I spend so much time on this blog? Who cares? Who reads it? Let me explain. We were robbed. On Thursday, May 28th, strangers came into our home and took our stuff. They walked off with TVs, blu-rays, playstation, WII, games, DVDs, cameras, and my beloved laptop; the keeper of my stuff. They even took my son-in-laws sneakers. But because we are a family of faith, our cup is full. Chris and Dominick would have been home. Dominick had a cough so Chris and I left together and she went to the pediatrician. When she got back about 2 hours later, she discovered that we were robbed. They took stuff that CAN be replaced, even the stuff on the computer. Even though I didn’t upload all my pictures; I did upload some, i.e. Dominick’s birth day, proms, graduations, baby showers etc. And the pictures that I didn’t get to upload are on my blog and in my scrapbooks. And on the bright side we get to buy new stuff. BTW they didn't take everything. OK so what they left behind all the old stuff i.e. old TV in moms room, old desk top computer in the family room but we still have a computer. We have been watching, what else, our beloved FRIENDS DVDs. Thank GOD they didn't take my 10 seasons of FRIENDS. LOL Lets just say it could have been worse. It will take a little time to regain our sense of security but that will come in time. But we have each other and our sense of humor. Yes, we laughed about this too. We even said a prayer for the people that robbed us. Don't get me wrong, we have our moments but we shall overcome. So the answer to the questions: Why I bother? Because I love it. Why do I spend so much time on this blog? Because I love it. Who cares? I DO. Who reads it? ME. In the words of Pestario Vargas a/k/a John Leguizamo from “The Pest” Love, Peace and Chicken Grease


Damaris said...

Oh my friend, How freaking horrible. I am so sorry. Well I certainly hope that the robbers, thieves, heathens, Pillos, fresco, descarado get a serious dose of the runnies. That's MY PRAYER FOR THEM!!!! HA! I am so glad you are all ok. By the way........I READ YOUR BLOG!!!! So don't you dare stop sharing. I get to see your happenings..good and bad..LOL. It's how we met!!!! So you see, my friend, your blog is a huge blessing to many of us. We can blame the blog for becoming such good friends. It brought you into my life. I am enriched by that alone!!! Again, so glad you are all safe! Abrazo fuerte chica.
I love you mucho my friend!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I'm so sorry. You're absolutely right. Thank god no one was home because everything else can be replaced. Let me know if I can do anything. Will do insurance cover the "stuff"? WOW...


Anonymous said...

I hear you sister. It really puts things in perspective. "Things" we can replace but family, memories and what we hold in our hearts, priceless. Love you all.


Ady said...

I'm so sorry Maritza... I know it sucks when they envade your privacy. Some good will come of this and I agree with Damaris "your blog brought you new scrappy buddies that love you" so you do it for you but we all reap the benefits.
